
Learning from Experiences

June 01, 20201 min read

Learning from Experiences

We go through life learning from experiences we encounter and making small, sometimes large and visible changes to our personalities and behavior. These learnings are worth sharing with each other so we can all benefit and become the leaders to whom we look up.

We're not the people we were born, nor are we the people we were a few weeks ago or even a year ago. Our thought processes change, and so does how we react to things and how we conduct ourselves.

The interactions we have throughout our lives whether with another human being, a situation, a problem, or a decision bring us to a halt and hopefully we rethink how we do things and make improvements. Change in this example is good and needed so we can continue evolving into more intelligent, more reasonable human beings who care about each other before we start thinking about ourselves and our things.

We have to learn from experiences and if we don't, what is the point of going through a struggle if we don't come out with a new finding that will help us become better people?

There are always second and third and fourth chances so let's take advantage of what life has to offer and see it as a privilege and not another problem!

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