Imkan Leadership Insights

5 Ways to Build Your Team’s Capacity

5 Ways to Build Your Team’s Capacity

5 Ways to Build Your Team’s Capacity
By: Nagham Alsamari
Published on: 14/10/2023

To build your team’s capacity, set clear expectations, promote continuous learning, model behaviors, embrace mistakes, and encourage open communication. This fosters a thriving, efficient, and effective team environment.

Maslow Before You Bloom

Maslow Before You Bloom

Maslow Before You BloomBy: Nagham Alsamari
Published on: 19/08/2023

“Maslow before you Bloom” emphasizes the importance of addressing students’ basic needs before expecting them to engage in higher-level learning. If students don’t feel safe, trusted, or cared for, they can’t focus on learning. Just as you wouldn’t brush your teeth while running for your life, students can’t learn when they don’t feel secure. Building a safe and supportive classroom environment through strong relationships and credibility is crucial for effective teaching and learning.

EducationLeadership Life
Empathy: The Most Needed Leadership Trait

Empathy: The Most Needed Leadership Trait

Empathy: The Most Needed Leadership TraitBy: Nagham Alsamari
Published on: 16/08/2023

In a recent discussion about the top trait for school leaders, I argue that empathy surpasses all. Empathy—understanding and sharing others' feelings—transforms interactions, fostering meaningful conversations over conflicts. An empathetic leader listens to understand, supports their staff, and helps them navigate challenges, making empathy the cornerstone of effective leadership.

From Financial Learning to Life Long Learning

From Financial Learning to Life Long Learning

From Financial Learning to Life Long LearningBy: Nagham Alsamari
Published on: 12/07/2023

This post highlights my journey from struggling with personal finances to gaining control through Financial Peace University, guided by Dr. Michael Koku. His financial and life leadership tips transformed my approach, inspiring positive changes and emphasizing the importance of supportive mentors in achieving financial freedom and personal growth.


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