Imkan Leadership Insights

Promoting Change with Buy-In

Promoting Change with Buy-In

Promoting Change with Buy-InBy: Nagham Alsamari
Published on: 15/08/2023

### Promoting Change with Buy-In This post discusses the challenges principals face when introducing changes in schools. Drawing from personal experience, I emphasize the importance of starting with enthusiastic teachers, providing hands-on demonstrations, sharing data, and maintaining transparency. These steps foster staff support and successful implementation of new programs, such as a reading intervention initiative that transformed my school's approach to student reading skills.

Learning from Experiences

Learning from Experiences

Learning from ExperiencesBy: Nagham Alsamari
Published on: 01/06/2020

Life’s experiences shape us, prompting growth and changes in our personalities and behaviors. By sharing these learnings, we can collectively benefit and become better leaders. We’re constantly evolving, influenced by our interactions and decisions. Embracing change helps us become more empathetic, intelligent, and reasonable individuals who prioritize others’ well-being. Learning from our struggles is essential; it’s a privilege to use each opportunity for self-improvement and positive change.

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