
Mastering Work-Life Balance: The “Live, Organize, Block” Framework

August 25, 20243 min read

As someone who juggles the demands of a full-time job while running my own business, life can often feel like a whirlwind of responsibilities and commitments. The constant need to be everywhere at once can be overwhelming, leading to burnout if not managed properly. Over the years, I’ve realized that achieving work-life balance is not just a lofty goal—it’s a necessity. To maintain my sanity and keep everything running smoothly, I’ve developed a simple yet effective framework that I now teach to others: Live, Organize, Block.

Live: Work is not Life

One of the most important realizations I’ve had is that work is what we do to live our life, not the other way around. For many of us, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle, letting work take over every aspect of our lives. But the truth is, work is the means to an end, so we can live our lives and are able to afford to do so. What matters the most in life is family, health, and personal growth - our life encompasses so much more than just our careers.

By understanding that work is a part of life, but not the entirety of it, we set the stage for better preparation and a healthier mindset. This perspective shift allows us to approach work with intention, ensuring that it supports our life goals rather than overwhelming them.

Organize: Get Your Life Together

With the realization that work is just one aspect of life, the next step is to bring order to the chaos. Organization is key to managing both a full-time job and a business without losing your mind. For me, the solution lies in writing things down and scheduling everything. I use a system called Notion, where I meticulously organize my day, week, month, and even quarter. This tool helps me stay ahead of tasks and ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.

But organization isn’t just about tracking tasks; it’s about creating a structure that supports your goals. By relying heavily on my calendar, I can prioritize what needs to be done, plan ahead for busy periods, and avoid last-minute stress. The act of organizing is not just a practical step—it’s a way to regain control over your time and your life.

Block: Pick up that Marker, or Probably Just Your Device

Even with the best organization, it’s easy to let work bleed into every corner of your life. That’s where the Blockprinciple comes in. I’ve found that blocking off specific days of the week for family time is crucial. These days are non-negotiable, and they are marked clearly on my calendar. By setting these boundaries, I ensure that I’m dedicating quality time to the people who matter most, without the distractions of work.

Blocking time isn’t just limited to family; it can be applied to any area of your life that you value. Whether it’s self-care, hobbies, or personal development, blocking out time creates intentionality and helps you focus on what truly matters.

In addition, block off time to take breaks and reenergize before coming back to a task. This will help give you a refresher and boost of energy and when you come back to your task at hand, you’ll feel more productive.

Putting It All Together

The Live, Organize, Block framework is more than just a set of rules—it’s a philosophy for managing the complexities of modern life. By recognizing that work is a part of life, organizing your tasks and time effectively, and protecting your personal time through intentional blocking, you can achieve a balance that allows you to thrive in all areas of life.

This framework has been my lifeline as I navigate the challenges of running a business while maintaining a full-time job. It’s not always easy, and it requires constant adjustment and commitment. But by sticking to these principles, I’ve been able to create a life that’s not just about surviving the day-to-day grind, but truly living it to the fullest.

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